Seaview light and mount

I wanted to upgrade the anchor and steaming light on Kaos and fix some cosmetic issues with the radar mount, get my GPS and wind instruments updated, and find a proper platform to mount my Starlink. I ended up choosing a couple of Seaview products which I cover below.

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Hi Steve, looks really good! I’m guessing you disabled the AZI and ELV motors in the starlink dish mount? or, does it just “torque/Time out” when it tries to align? Often wondered if that would work…

I wouldn’t put it in a mount like that and hope the motors time out :smile: - pretty sure it would kill them, and it might do other damage.

I cut a hole in the back of the dish in a very specific spot and unplugged the motor cable. There’s a rubber plug in the hole in case I want to plug it back in again for some reason, which is unlikely in my application.

I have 3 I’ve done this way myself, and have done it for about 50 others for customers. Works very well, but the newest version of the dish now comes flat, so not really necessary anymore.