WiFi as WAN

And often misunderstood feature on routers is the ability to grab a remote WiFi signal and use it as a source of internet. For some, it is overlooked completely as they rely on cellular or satellite, while others use it in ways that will impact performance. It can also be used for other creative means, and deserves some discussion.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://seabits.com/wifi-as-wan

Hi Steve - it’s been a while!

I had reasonably good luck with T-Mobile after I left Verizon - including in the Bahamas, though it is apparent that the Bahamian cell companies don’t like LTE routers, as I found myself being throttled a LOT.
We have a BR1 mini (hw3) and the cellular modem has been working fine here stateside as we’ve travelled North from Georgia to Maine via the Chesapeake. I did learn about leaving roaming enabled here in Maine - it connected to the “other” cell system, but speed was awful - and the signal was better than T-Mobile, so resetting it didn’t help. Shutting off roaming solved the issue.
But back to the main subject - I had both 2 & 5 Ghz WiFi listed on my Dashboard as WAN sources, with the scanning button and all - but they have both disappeared! Has my wifi engine in the router quit? I have 8.4.1 Firmware installed, and nothing newer seems to be available. I had the built-in AP turned off, but turning it on does not seem to produce a wifi signal. I also note that the “LAN3” WAN entry says “Disabled (License Required)” which I don’t recall from prior use (doesn’t really matter, I’m not using it now).

I think I scored another BR1 mini (HW3) so I’ll try that when it shows up.

S/V Atsa

Is the current unit you’re using a BR1 mini? Those units have different licensing options at purchase, and depending on how you purchased it, could expire unless you renew a support plan. That sounds like what might have happened.

speaking of licenses, which one is appropriate for a MAX BR1 Pro 5G? I set it up 3/2024 and that expired and I’m confused about which tier is necessary for it.

Good question. Peplink has a good article that outlines the differences here: EssentialCare - Peplink

For most people, either EssentialCare or EssentialCare+ are most likely. The big difference with EssentialCare+ is the advanced hardware replacement. This means they’ll ship you a replacement router if you have a failure instead of you having to ship your broken one back and wait for a replacement to be shipped to you.

The difference in cost is usually close enough to make it easier to purchase EssentialCare+. However….

If internet and connectivity is as important to you as it is to me, I choose to have 2x of the same router (or a similar one) under EssentialCare (no plus) and simply switch to the spare router if the main one dies. Advanced hardware replacement is nice, but you still have to wait for them to ship it to you, and in my case, have to be near somewhere for them to ship it to!

Steve - you hit the nail on the head! The primecare sub for this unit expired at the beginning of this month, and the wifi-as-WAN disappeared at that time (along with some other stuff). It took some digging, but it looks like I can either renew the primecare for $59/year (less for longer) or buy the “Features” license for $99/forever.
Decisions, decisions… :smiley: I have another BR1 mini HW3 coming (cheap so perhaps not useful) and I’m still debating moving up to the MAX 5G. Wifi as WAN is only very occasionally useful on the boat for us, but it would be nice to have.

S/V Atsa

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I hate their website. Dynamic scrolling sucks ass. I just want to know what to buy for the Max BR1 Pro 5G. Plan A/B/C/Essential/Prime… COULD THEY JUST GIVE ME A re-subscribe link?

I just want my BR1 Pro 5G to be able to keep a VPN link back to the office. I have a hub running in a VM there. I can’t for the life of me tell which pieces are “necessary” to make this happen.

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Were you able to figure this out? Happy to help if you need it.

Mr. Kearney,

Having navigated the Peplink website a bunch lately, here’s the trick: from their main page, click on “Buy”, then click on “Peplink Store” - click through the “I undderstand…” page then it will let you enter your serial number. When you do, it will tell you what you have, and the status of any programs - then it will offer you various options to purchase to extend/renew your coverage.
This feature is also handy for figuring out what some seller on ePay is REALLY offering :slight_smile:
